One-Way RV Rental: 7 Reasons to Take That Cross-Country Trip

  • Road Trip
  • get inspired

Demand for one-way RV rentals is quite high these days; there's no doubting the appeal of being able to drive from Point A on one side of the country to Point B on the other side and then not having to drive all the way back to your starting point!

But is that all there is to it? Is there more to the story?

Reasons To Take a Cross-Country Trip in a One-Way RV Rental

What's driving the increasing popularity of one-way RV rentals, and why might it be the best option for your next cross-country RV road trip? Let's have a look at some good reasons why it might be right for you!

1. You're Not From Around Here (or There)

You may be surprised to learn that Americans aren't the only people who enjoy driving across the USA in an RV. Foreign visitors do it, too, and a one-way RV rental makes the most sense for such travelers.

A South Korean family could, for instance, book an RV on the East Coast, drive it all the way from South Carolina to Seattle (stopping at various spots on the map), and then catch a flight home to Seoul. It'd be impractical, inconvenient, and insanely expensive for them to instead drive all the way back to Florida and then fly across the country once again!

Or, how about Canadian snowbirds driving up north from the American Southwest? It simply doesn't make sense for them to drive from Tucson to Toronto (with their personal car hitched to the back of their RV), and then drive all the way back.

Come to think of it, American snowbirds from New York wouldn't want to drive all the way back to the Sunshine State as the weather warms up!

2. It's the Most Flexible Option

Most people who book one-way RV rentals do so because it simply fits into their travel plans. When you think about it, it offers the most flexibility: You can fly to one place and then drive across the country to another — or, vice versa, drive to one place and then fly home.

You could even fly to one locale, drive in an RV to another (sightseeing wherever the road takes you), and then go on a cruise to Alaska (how you get home is, perhaps...up in the air?). Any way you look at it, you can plan a really dynamic trip that incorporates a one-way RV rental.

3. It Could Save Your Travel Plans

So, it happened: An unfortunate flight cancellation has seemingly scuttled your long-anticipated family vacation across the country. Your trip is ruined! Time to head back home, right?

Wrong! If either your outbound or return flight is canceled, and rebooking another flight will be more trouble than it's worth, see you can probably find a one-way RV rental to get you to your vacation spot — or home!

In the end, you get to where you wanted or needed to be across the country all along, with the added memories of an impromptu cross-country road trip to treasure when it's all done.

4. It Can Save You Time

Beyond the obvious convenience of having more flexibility when traveling across the country, a one-way RV rental can also save you time on your journey. Driving an RV across the country one way is a pretty big time commitment, and many who're using their PTO for an RV road trip don't want to use it all just so they can drive all the way back home.

With a one-way RV rental, the problem is solved! You can drive one way across the country for however many days you want to be on the road and then fly back across the country in a matter of hours. You'll have more time to rest after your trip!

5. It's a Great Way To Meet New People

The fact is that whether you go with a one-way RV rental or decide to drive out and back across the country, an RV road trip is — in and of itself — a wonderful way to connect with new places and new people.

6. It Could Be a Cheaper Option

Oftentimes, companies will offer discounts or incentives (such as a gas allowance or free miles) for those interested in a one-way RV rental.

You may actually be able to find relocation specials, too: You're basically doing the RV rental company a favor by driving vehicles based in one city/region to another city/region across the country where stock is lower. They get vehicles relocated, you get a discounted cross-country road trip.


7. It'll Get You Experience in an RV

Maybe you're considering buying an RV or want to see if RV travel is a better way to see the country (it is!). With a one-way RV rental, you can try out an RV road trip to see how well you handle it with no commitment to drive back.

Chances are that you'll enjoy the experience so much that you'll wish you had booked the RV for a return journey, too!

Book a One-Way RV Rental With Cruise America

There are so many reasons to book a one-way RV rental across the country and so many more reasons to go with Cruise America when you do book one. If you're considering a one-way RV rental road trip, get in touch with Cruise America today to grab an RV and get out on the