Top 6 Non-Tech Boredom Busters For Long Road Trips
Share“Are we there yet?”
“How long have we been driving?”
“I’m bored.”
Ah, the soothing sounds of passengers on a long road trip. Traveling in a RV rental can be a lot of fun, and a great way to enact a family digital detox. But longer legs of the trip may feel like an eternity, especially for young children or older kids not used to going without their phone or table. Luckily for you, we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re driving with kids - or adults who act like kids (kidding!) – we’ve rounded up some of our top, non-tech boredom busters.
Travel Bingo
This is not your average bingo game. A timeless classic, this version features a road trip spin, making it the perfect activity to keep everyone busy on the road. Each passenger receives a bingo board and has to keep an eye out for items like trains, churches, police cars, cows and more. Spot an item and you get to mark it off your board. First one to get five in a row wins! Make the game more challenging by creating different patterns, like first one to make an “X” or get a full blackout is the winner. Check out this travel bingo set, available on Amazon.
Scavenger Hunt
Everyone loves a good scavenger hunt. Scavenger Hunt for Kids Travel Card Game makes it possible for the whole family to play while cruising down the interstate. Each player takes five cards with a set of instructions. Similar to road trip bingo, Participants may be required to find items like a school bus or a license plate featuring a specific letter. This game will keep kids entertained and exploring the world around them.
Magnet Travel Games
One of the great things about traveling in a RV is the ability to play games on the road while still sitting together around a table. Board games like chess, checkers and reversi are great for the more mature traveler, but can be difficult to play with so many loose pieces. These magnet versions ensure that you won’t have a piece fly on the floor when the vehicle makes a turn and are small enough to throw in your backpack before hitting the road.
Magnetic pieces keep the fun contained
21 Questions
This game is perfect for the chatty passenger who can’t stop asking questions. Whether they’re five years old or 50, everyone can get in on this action. If you’ve never played, select one person to be “it” and have them choose a person, place or thing, and the rest of the group can ask 21 questions to try to guess what they’re thinking of. Questions must be able to be answered with a yes or no and can’t be repeated, so pay attention. The person to correctly guess is the winner, if after 21 questions no one guesses correctly, the person who is “it” wins. Choosing different categories like movie actors, TV shows or hip-hop artists will keep things interesting as time goes on.
Name That Song
Whether you’re listening to your favorite road trip playlist or the local radio station of the town you’re passing through, this boredom buster is ideal for music lovers. As each song begins, the first person to correctly guess the full title wins a point. Get a bonus point if you can name the artist too. The person with the most points by the time you reach your destination wins.
You don’t need an official game box for this one. Simply grab a pen and paper – or small whiteboard and marker for the environmentally conscious – and get ready for a good time. You can use the cards from a Pictionary™ set if you have them, or make up your own list of images to draw. Simply use the timer on your watch (we won’t count it against you if you need to use your smart phone) to track each round and the person or team to guess correctly before time runs out gets a point. Once every person has had a chance to draw, the person or team with the most points wins.
Getting There Is Half The Fun
Traveling with friends and family isn’t just about the destination. With Cruise America RV rentals, it’s about the time spent together, bonding on the open road. These boredom busters are sure to remind you that getting there is half the fun!